Firefly Bistro’s downtown Manchester location makes for the perfect place to gather, celebrate, and enjoy art in all forms. Check back regularly to see our upcoming events!
Amoskeag Health Joins us for our March Community Partnership Series
Amoskeag Health is Manchester’s community health center since 1993, caring for over 17,000 people. They provide high-quality comprehensive primary and mental healthcare, and invest in the well-being of our community through connections to social services, education for positive youth development, preventative screenings, medical care coordination, and chronic care management. They serve all ages with excellence in pre-natal care and delivery, early childhood development, family medicine, and healthy aging supports.
Dine at Firefly on Wednesday, March 26, to help this amazing organization that provides quality healthcare to all members of our community, regardless of their ability to pay. Firefly will donate 10% of food and non-alcoholic beverage sales (alcoholic beverages excluded) for the entire day to support Amoskeag Health.
If you would like to learn more about Amoskeag Health and everything they do, please visit AmoskeagHealth.org.
Encourage your friends, family, and co-workers to join us at Firefly on Wednesday, March 26, and together we can help make a difference. Reserve your spot now!
Artists in Residence
Bruce Jones
Bruce Jones is a local artist from seacoast NH. His loose, bold, and unique paintings are on display in Firefly’s dining room known as the Art Room.
He learned the nuts and bolts of design and composition while attending the New England School of Art and Design in Boston, but he believes that his real education came from working with other professional artists. He was fortunate to travel and learn the art of plein air painting, which generates a lot of abstract qualities, lending itself to his natural expressive style.
He is a lifelong New Englander, and currently lives in Exeter, NH with his artist wife, Tracy, whose artwork is also on display in Firefly’s foyer.
Tracy R. Jones
Tracy was trained as an Art Educator at the Massachusetts College of Art where she had an emphasis in painting, and was influenced to examine, experience, and enjoy the process of creating while finding one’s own aesthetic.
Her large-scale assemblages and paintings explore the relationships between color and shapes while salvaging and utilizing oft-discarded materials and bold forms.
Live Music on our Patio
Thanks for joining us on the patio for live music this summer! See you next summer.
Weather Permitting
Friday 4pm – 7pm
Saturday 12pm – 3pm
Sunday 11am – 2pm
Community Partners
The Firefly community extends far beyond the walls of our downtown Manchester bistro. Here are some of the neighbors, near and far, that we support throughout the years:
March of Dimes
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
NH Food Bank/Share Our Strength
Concord Hospital
Palace Theater
Webster House
Girls, Inc.
Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
Animal Rescue League
Nashua Center
Goffstown Mother’s Club
Rights + Democracy Education Fund
Granite United Way
Dismas Home
NSquared Dance
Manchester True